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Building Resilient Cities: Innovative Techniques and Systems Unveiled in Auckland

Representatives at the recent "New Techniques for Earthquake and Flood Disaster Prevention,", in Auckland, NZ. June 2023

On Friday, 16 June 2023, an Auckland-based seminar brought together close to 80 participants from various fields, including engineering, local authorities, and academics. The seminar aimed to showcase new techniques and systems designed to minimise the damage caused by earthquakes and floods. The event, titled “New Techniques for Earthquake and Flood Disaster Prevention,” aimed to […]

Yeah you can buy a Power Plant online

75 MW Power Plant

We’ve all been there. Few too many bevvies on a Tuesday night and before you know it your bank account is empty and there’s a suspect delivery at the door you have no idea you’ve ordered. There’s not a lot you can’t buy online these days, but my ADHD brain just landed me in a […]