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Electric Lite: Mazda MX-30 Mild Hybrid Review

Everyone seemed to ask the same thing, “Isn’t this electric?’ My response was “yes, but not this one.” Mazda’s MX-30 has been getting much praise as the Hiroshima based company’s newest foray into BEV mass production. However, the version you see here is the entry level MX-30 Mild Hybrid. So, what exactly is this version […]

To BEV, Or Not to BEV?: Mazda MX-30 BEV Review

The battery electric vehicle (BEV) segment is growing all the time. So much so that any mainstream manufacturer cannot afford to be left behind. Mazda have been a long time coming at jumping into the current electric fray with the MX-30 All Electric. While this is not the first Mazda to be fully electric, it […]

Mazda’s Delicious Doritos

Pardon the pun but the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) has been getting quite the cold shoulder recently. Piston power and fossil fuel are being cast aside; in favour of battery cells supplied by flowing streams and wind chimes. Right now, it seems like the automotive world is on a quest for alternative powertrains but; as […]