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Alfa’s Electric Avenue – 2023 Alfa Romeo Tonale Veloce Review

Situated high up in the Italian Alps between Lombardy and Trentino lies the Tonale Pass. Popular as a route for avid skiers, the pass is steeped in history while still offering plenty for the modern tourist who uses it. Alfa Romeo know this for they have chosen to name their new mid-sized SUV after it. […]

Snow pros Zoi Sadowski-Synnott and Piera Hudson side with SIXT

SIXT teams up with top-performing sporting talent to tour with its fast and flexible New Mobility offer Gold medal Olympian snowboarder Zoi Sadowski-Synnott and World Cup alpine ski racer Piera Hudson are joining forces with SIXT NZ, with a new partnership adding a calling card of titles and tournament wins to the stacked spec sheet […]

Le FEV – Peugeot 308 PHEV hybrid review

Peugeot 308 PHEV review NZ

Lefevre (pronounced Le FEV) is one of the most common surnames in France, with fevre being as common as Smith and ironically Lefevre meaning blacksmith. Something equally as common in France (and rising in popularity here) is the Peugeot 308, and now it too has a PHEV (FEV) in its name. The Peugeot 308 was […]